Wednesday, June 8, 2011

National Construction Code 2011 WEBCAST

abcb_logo_bigresponse.jpgThe ABCB is proud to present a webcast on the 2011 National Construction Code (NCC) Information Seminars.

The webcast, which is based on the 2011 information seminars delivered in all capital cities by the ABCB, provides practitioners with an overview of relevant aspects of the consolidated code and how it will affect their work.

The webcast covers:

  • an introduction to the NCC and implications it will have for practitioners
  • an overview of changes to the BCA, Volumes One and Two
  • the new Plumbing Code of Australia (which represents Volume Three of the NCC Series).

The webcast can be accessed from the ABCB website (

1 comment:

Plumbers Sunshine Coast said...

Well this might help me at least. Thanks buddy for sharing this with us. Plumbers Sunshine Coast